Web ReportWebsites Evaluation & Report

The purpose of this unit is for you to familiarize yourself with some of the web technology & resources that we will use throughout this course and that you can use in your classroom. In order to do that, you will do a brief research on each web tools and resources by completing TWO (2) activities below.

Module Activities

Activity #1: Web Resources Evaluation (Individual)

You will decide what types of web sites you may need for your teching (lesson plan). You will need to find and evaluate at least three (4) different web sites.  For the evaluations, you will use the following form Web Site Evaluation Form.

Once finished, save and title your web evaluation file as "WEBEVAL_YOURNAME" Submit and upload the finished file to the appropriate dropbox (as indicated by your instructor).


Activity #2: Web Technology Report - How far have we come? (Collaborative)

You will explore the 16 web technology resource items listed below. As a team (ONE (1) report per team), you will write a brief report on ALL 16 of them about by using the following questions as a guideline.

  1. What each is
  2. Who, Whom, When, and Why of each item
  3. How each can be used in teaching & learning or organizations

16 Web Technology Resources

  1. WebQuest
  2. Concept Map: There are many products / applications that can be used to create a concept map. You are welcomed to use any software of your choice.  However, I encourage you to explore concept mapping tool called "Inspiration." Inspiration is a software that allows either students or the teacher to create visual organizing charts called concept maps. There is also a program for use in early elementary and early childhood called Kidspiration. These programs are easy to use and offer a wide variety of graphics that help to make the concept maps attractive and connected to the topic being addressed.
  3. Crossword Puzzle: You are encouraged to access the Crossword Puzzle Maker website to use it to create a a fun crossword puzzle activity at this point in time.
  4. Web 2.0 
  5. Digital Storytelling
  6. Virtual Field Trip
  7. Blogs
  8. MultiMedia
  9. PodCast | (Integrating Podcast into your classroom)
  10. You Tube
  11. Wiki
  12. Google Apps
  13. Google Docs
  14. Snap Polls
  15. Survey Champion
  16. Rubistar

 Once finished, save and title your team web technology report file as "WEBREPORT_YOURTEAM" Submit and upload the finished file to the appropriate dropbox (as indicated by your instructor).


When finished, save and title your complete file as described above. Upload your individual web evaluation and team web technology report files to the appropriate dropbox (as indicated by your instructor).

  • For Activity #1, it is an individual project. One submission is required for each student.
  • For Activity #2, it is a collaborative project. One submission is required for each team.