EDTF 200 Section 02 Teams
Teaching from Hershey…
Eric Vonada
Lesson Plan: What is Chocolate
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/evonadaJenessa Zack
Lesson Plan: Life of Milton Hershey
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/jzackLacy Young
Lesson Plan: Milton Hershey
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/lyoungRyan Disque
Lesson Plan: How Chocolate is made
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/rdisque
Teaching from Outer Space…
Ashley Russo
Lesson Plan:
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/arussoJacob Fetterolf
Lesson Plan: Planets
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/jfetteroJoseph Ronketty
Lesson Plan: Space
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/jronkettKyle Atkinson
Lesson Plan: Planets
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/katkinso
Teaching from the Garden…
Alesia Ross
Lesson Plan: Garden tools
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/arossKristen Zimmer
Lesson Plan: Flower
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/kzimmerMargaret Rougeux
Lesson Plan: Trees
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/mrougeuxSadie Fellinger
Lesson Plan: Flower
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/sfellingSamantha Durham
Lesson Plan: Growing Vegetables
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/sdurham
Teaching from the Grocery Store…
Ashley Neuin
Lesson Plan: Bakery
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/aneuinCornell Lorson
Lesson Plan: Fruits and Vegetables
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/clorson4Danielle Yarnell
Lesson Plan: Deli
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/dyarnellMegan Martin
Lesson Plan: Meat
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/mmartin6Nikki Allen
Lesson Plan: Dairy
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/nallen2
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Teaching from under the Ocean…
Caitlin Curfman
Lesson Plan: Tides and Currents
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/ccurfmanChristine Gorham
Lesson Plan: Ocean Pollution
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/cgorhamKimberly Berkheimer
Lesson Plan: Coral Reefs
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/kberkheiLindsay Schwinof
Lesson Plan:
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/lschwinoSamantha Fesemyer
Lesson Plan: Sea Turtles
Website: http://www.student.lhup.edu/sfesemye