Week 4 (02/07/2011 - 02/13/2011)
After completing this week, you should be able to:
- Identify the main theories underpinning the instructional design
- Describe key elements / concepts of instructional design
- Identify each element of "ADDIE" instructional design model
- Use MS Word to create a useful and effective instructional booklet
- Use MS Publisher to create a useful and aesthetically pleasing large-size instructional / organizational poster
- Utiize "Mailmerge" function in MS Word to connect to the data/records in MS Excel to create letter to parents / customers
- Use "VLOOKUP" or "HLOOKUP" funcions in MS Excel
Activities & Assignments
- Read "What Is Instructional Design?" (Carr-Chellman, 2010) available in (e-reserves)
- Continue to work on ASSURE model-based Individual Lesson Plan and Team's Thematic Unit / Dream Organization
See Week 3 for details.
- Submit One-page report on Team's Thematic Unit or Dream Organization
See Activity #1 in ASSURE Model Module for details
Submission: Team Repot (Draft) dropbox in D2L
Submission Due: Thursday February 10th, 2011 at 11:59 PM.
- Create an individual and collaborative Booklet
- Create an individual and collaborative large-size Poster
- Create an Mailmerge and Gradebook
- Save / print file as PDF
Advanced MS Word Module
Advanced MS Publisher Module
Advanced MS Excel Module
Due Date
See Course Schedule in the Course Syllabus for detail