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Course: Cognitive and Social Skills training
Code: ALTE 618
Semester: Spring 2004
Instructor: Dr. Jessica Bowman


This course has taught me to explore brain-based learning, theory and practice related to cognitive and social skills training in order to prepare the effective classrooms for at-risk students as well as regular students.

I, as an effective teacher, should be able to understand the relationship between my teaching and my students’ learning styles in order to succeed in instructional tasks. Therefore, I must pay their attention to the differences between teaching and learning styles in order to teach in the styles that can meet students’ needs and learning styles, at least some of the time. Students will be able to learn in a manner that, sometimes, matches their learning styles. The most important thing is that I, as well as other teachers, must acknowledge and respect that students learn differently and are unique.

I have also learned that all students, especially students with limited social learning skills, need teachers as collaborators to help them develop social strengths, such as learning how to solve problems interactively with teachers and other students. In order for teachers to accomplish the social skills development task, they are required to understand their students’ feelings, background, and culture. Teachers also need to know how to act wisely to respond to their students. On the other hand, teachers must have a social intelligence.

Goldstein, Arnold P. (1999) The prepare curriculum: teaching prosocial competencies. (revised edition) Champaign, Illinois: Research Press.
Jensen, E. (1998). Teaching with the brain in mind. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Mamchur, C. (1996). Cognitive type theory & learning style. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Unit 1 - Brain Research And The Learning Brain

   Assignment 1_Introduction
   Assignment 1_Introduction
   Assignment 2_How the Brain Learns
   Assignment 2_How the Brain Learns

Brain-Based Learning: Where’s the Proof?
American Psychological Association (APA) Format (5th Edition)

Unit 2 - Getting Students Ready to Learn

   Assignment_Indentifying an At-Risk Child
   Assignment_Indentifying an At-Risk Child

Unit 3 - The Role of Emotions

   Assignment_Compare and Contrast
   Assignment_Compare and Contrast
   Unit 3_Threaded Discussion
   Unit 3_Threaded Discussion

The Choice Theory Connection
Choice Theory and Reality Therapy

Unit 4 - Motivation & Rewards

   Unit 4_Threaded Discussion
   Unit 4_Threaded Discussion

The Three Conditions of Quality

Unit 5 - Cognitive Type Theory & Learning Style

   Assignment_Teaching and Learning Styles
   Assignment_Teaching and Learning Styles

Unit 6 - Is there a cognitive component to Social Skills Training

   Unit 6_Threaded Discussion
   Unit 6_Threaded Discussion

Lock, Robin H., Prigge, Debra J. PROMOTE BRAIN-BASED TEACHING AND LEARNING. Intervention in School & Clinic, 10534512, Mar2002, Vol. 37, Issue 4
Walsh, P. A hands-on approach to understanding the brain. Educational Leadership. November 2000 Vol 58 Issue 3 p 76

Unit 7 - Introduction to Social Skills Training

   Assignment_Jurnal Review
   Assignment_Jurnal Review

Social Learning Theory (A. Bandura)
Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura

Unit 8 - Social Learning System

   Assignment_Social Learning System
   Assignment_Social Learning System

Unit 9 - Teaching Prosocial Competencies

   Assignment_Review Scholarly Article
   Assignment_Review Scholarly Article
   Unit 9_Threaded Discussion
   Unit 9_Threaded Discussion

Unit 10 - Social Skills

   Assignment_Basic Skillstreaming
   Assignment_Basic Skillstreaming
   Unit 10_Threaded Discussion
   Unit 10_Threaded Discussion

Teaching Social Skills To Kids Who Don’t Have Them SocialSkills.html
Social Skills Training
Social Skills Instruction: A Factsheet from OSEP
Social Skills Training Programs
Social Skills Group Assessment Questionnaire

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Lock Haven University Pennsylvania